Dragon Ball Z Color correction (episode 1) :: Nyaa ISS

Dragon Ball Z Color correction (episode 1)

2018-10-08 21:15
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1.1 GiB
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My color correction of episode 1.

Audio: Spanish Spain(original broadcast audio, cuatroº), Catalan dub(original broadcast audio, TV3), Galician dub(original broadcast audio, tvG2) and Japanese(original broadcast audio)

Direct download: https://mega.nz/#!XGB0xApJ!ojtZRznMXnWbUHPvRm5k2DwbVhP7_uMYaXeYs0rlYW4



File list

  • Dragon Ball Z 001 - Un misterioso guerrero.mkv (1.1 GiB)

Everything so blue . Yellow so washed . Grass so blue.sky so green. Red so washed. Overall blueish

Left is Dragon Box . Right is yours. Is this the purpose to create hmmm… Dragon Blue Z?

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


This is obviously a test. It’s my second attempt, my first version is this: https://mega.nz/#!2HY1QQrQ!mmohXKdSrnYQpkIGmaad494dVJkrTmusdf8WtYBvENg

I have things to improve

Overall inappropriate attempt.

Well there are a few things to improve. But you are doing a reverse improve . You seem to go into the wrong direction.

Wow, you really have no idea what you’re doing.

Plus I don’t recommend you giving a mega link of your torrent, seriously who would download and seed yur torrent when there’s a ddl link ?

as SimonCowell said you are in a totally wrong direction
color correction should look more like that
it seems you altered rgb and just turn it to blue (that is a real issue, the result make me feel man of steel hard tint)
you need to

  1. remove color cast
  2. correct all minor issues (gamma, levels)
  3. alter colors to reverse the color degrade, removing the color cast isn’t the only thing to do

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


@ -__- it’s just a test…

@dbfan120 Thanks. I will try to correct it

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


blueish again, if you use avisynth for encoding you should stop, only software like after effect, premiere or others tools like that can do it fine

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


I understand. At the moment I’m going to try, meanwhile I’ll settle for watching the episodes with the original master

color correction is a HUGEEEEEEEEEEE WORK, it’s impossible to get into it and in few days already have rights settings , you’ll have to be ready for that

I would suggest to stick watching that darkened version of a master.

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


@ZZZ-DragginBall-ZZZ Yes, the only problem is censorship

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


Ok, this definitely not. I see it somewhat saturated, and I’m sure it has more errors


This is color matching gone wild.

If it’s “just a test” then why would you upload a torrent of it?


Yeah correcting DBZ isn’t so simple so naturally you didn’t get it right, right off the bat.

In the above pic, the first is Dragon Box, the middle is what I think is the most accurate correction based on all my sources, including multiple versions of original broadcast recordings.

But the third, however, is the same correction but with a deeper blue sky. I personally don’t think that’s how it looked in the original, but old releases of the anime such as American singles show deep blue skies. Also fans like Kei17 seem to like correcting it to have deep blue skies, and I like the look, but I don’t think deep blue skies are accurate until the Boo arc.

Also, dbfan120’s correction is wrong so you can happily ignore that dumb french bastard.


1st is Original Broadcast, 2nd is mine, 3rd is dbfan120’s.

NOTE: My CC there wasn’t made to try and replicate the Original broadcast. I created a formula for the whole series and all 291 eps were finished months ago. I didn’t try to match them to any specific release, I just used all the knowledge I have to come up with a formula for what everything should turn into and it’s just a big coincidence that my CC happens to look almost identical to the Original Broadcast colours. Or maybe it’s not a coincidence and simply because I’m the only fan who knows their shit ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Though, of course, in the Original Broadcast there are stronger yellows. My CC doesn’t count that in for 2 reasons:
A) Part of that strong yellowness is a tint on the old recording, and the tint naturally makes existing yellows (and oranges) more vibrant but yeah…it’s still a tint on the whole image, which I think is undesirable.
B) I didn’t do anything like reaising vibrance of specific colours because that stuff gets destructive. My CC was, as I said, a formula to restore colours as cleanly and efficiently as possible. No crazy CC’ing, otherwise I would’ve made them look exactly like the cels (which I can do).

The yellow is also stronger in OB because it’s darker. Original Broadcast had good separation between mids and highlights, like Kai does. Dragon Box though has the mids a bit too close to the highlights so that’s another reason for why the yellow on Kinto-un looks washed out in DBox. Fixing that is destructive.

There is no such thing as a formula for dragon box sourced episodes. And under no circumstances a CC will be decent on true entire series with only 1 setup preset. I can bet your ass you are not consistent with the colors or light overall the episodes and whatnot. It to mention the part splitting that cannot be done with just a formula. Adobe is not that smart.

@enigmo: why so much hated!!! lol
who care about your opinion or cc? who said that the screenshot i show was my cc settings? i just use one screenshot uploaded to show him a direction,
and about your magic settings don’t fool people it’s impossible to cc all series with one and only presets

You guys are fucking autistic.

It is possible to CC the entire series with one preset, you just have to know your shit.

You’ve gotta know how to programme cut-detection and auto white balancing as part of the formula, then everything is the same. You noobs just aren’t on my level :) This shit is easy for me but unbelievable for you lmao

@ZZZ-DragginBall-ZZZ for an autist who thinks ugly motion interpolated DBZ is worth uploading to Nyaa, you sure are talking as if you know anything :thinking:

There is no such thing as formula…your ass cannot program something to sum 2 plus 2…stop that shit…there is no magic formula… I suppose you learned that at the University of autistic color dreamers for children with mental issues.

Oh now you’re using autistic as an insult because you can’t think of anything yourself :(

And lmao “magic formula”, of course it’s not magic. Who said I have a magic formula. My formula was programmed from actual knowledge and understanding. Not something a fucking noob who thinks 60fps DBZ is good will ever be able to do.

@enigmo , of course not, 2 minimum presets as dragon ball needs two presets and even with white balancing some episodes don’t have the same red colors or blue colors (some episodes have far reddish skin tone even after white balance)

and about your so called programmation things your words don’t means anything without evidence

Hohohhoo there is no such thing as formula Adobe bundles don’t have formulas the best they can use are prests that are like a script but nothing to be automated and of course not being able to analyze and choose a proper setup. This is rather funny. Stop using words that have no meaning

There is no such thing as programmable present or formula or script that can analyze a video and alter it based in its color properties nor histogram and whatnot

As dbfan120 already knows, I’m an expert when it comes to scripting. He knows how heavily I use scripts in correcting/editing. For example, I know how to fix the chroma bleeding in DBox that none of you know.

And yeah I mean…I have nothing to prove to you guys. “Proving” my techniques to you would be the same as me teaching you my techniques and…no thanks ^_^

I’ve already shown proof of how accurate my CC is, and I’ve told you I already finished CC’ing all 291 episodes in a way that I’m happy with. And trust me, as my screenshot above shows, the CC I’m only happy with is when it’s very accurate.

There’s a reason Ajay asked for my CC’d eps like 100 times and why AnimeMaakuo was willing to pay me $2,000-$3,000 for my CC technique ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And Genjo…like I’ve said in the description of many of my vids. My CC automatically adapts to natural colour changes. That information is still retained within the DBox episodes. My formula doesn’t turn any detected red into a specific red. It’s a totally restorative formula, not me specifying my own palette.

Hahahahahahahaha you wouldn’t know what a script is even if it would hit you in your uneducated head. Please stop being so crazy… There is no script ever even byild in Java c sharp or any C oriented or any object oriented language that has anything to do with avi or vapours synth. Stop with that lying shit . Restorative formula …that is really funny hahahaha. Natural color changes my ass you barely got out from your gay Kai attempts and all of a sudden natural colors adaptive formula . . Restorative formula script …you adjust a few scrolls…that is really funny. How it is to live in a world in your own head? It must feel very stupid.

This autism…very strong…carry on uploading “WOW 60FPS DBZ!!!” torrents

Wow much enigmo. Very gay. Much mentally challenged fetus.

@enigmo: i know perfectly how to solve the chroma bleeding don’t talk like if you know everything from what i am able or not to do

“And yeah I mean…I have nothing to prove to you guys. “Proving” my techniques to you would be the same as me teaching you my techniques and…no thanks ^_^”

i’ll never ask you to share your techniques totally imaginary with me :D

“I’ve already shown proof of how accurate my CC is, and I’ve told you I already finished CC’ing all 291 episodes in a way that I’m happy with. And trust me, as my screenshot above shows, the CC I’m only happy with is when it’s very accurate.”

you just show one good screenshot, color correction can’t be judge by one or couple of screenshots, even showing all 291ep can’t proove that you did it the way you pretends you have done… about accuracy just ask to Toei (as in your sick mind you think you are related with Toei)

"There’s a reason Ajay asked for my CC’d eps like 100 times and why AnimeMaakuo was willing to pay me $2,000-$3,000 for my CC technique ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And Genjo…like I’ve said in the description of many of my vids. My CC automatically adapts to natural colour changes. That information is still retained within the DBox episodes. My formula doesn’t turn any detected red into a specific red. It’s a totally restorative formula, not me specifying my own palette."

Bla Bla Bla , :D i know and assume you have good technics of course but the biggest things from you is your mouth and demesurate ego nothing that worth the case it’s as much as your imagination

Learn English so I can actually read enough of what you say to tell you why you’re wrong

Man you are so egocentric that if by any chance the universe will give you a girlfriend… you wouldn’t let her suck your dick…you would suck your own dick out of pride …you are so mentally challenged.

Mentally challenged people are the type of people who take the time out of their day to upload 60fps DBZ to torrent sites…serious mental challenges right there

@Enigmo : if you are so smart and so strong? why you are known as a liar? why have you so bad reputation?
i just got a picture of you: i understand why you are so frustrated , you’ll remain virgin all your life ^^

the all mighty enigmo that everyone hate and no one trust…BUT…WHY???

Oh my goooooddd … That is some uggly ass motherfucker alive. Now I understand your frustration. Dragon ball is the only way you could ever feel important. Man…life has takenk a shit on you.

Ah there we go noobs can’t find anything else and are soooo mad at me being better than them at everything, that they start pulling some 14 year-old shit.

Goes from talking about colour correction, to calling someone a virgin…hmmmmm…autism to the max

You are better than anybody else for being full of shit and so self praising mentally challenged being about something that nobody even gives a fuxk about you and or your color correction. You are as insignificant as the person you portray here. You are just a dusty ass mofo that will use word to define something that has nothing to do with the words used describing an action or anything related to that …restorative…formula…hahahaha . oh my…ugly ass mofo

@enigmo : if you insult people , just be ready to be insulted too ;)
it’s you who think you are better than others, i don’t care as i know modesty, there is allways someone better than you
you think you are better than me? than anyone else? good for you, i totally don’t care but stop insulting people if you don’t want to be hurt too .
i don’t care who you are, what you can do (or think you can do XD) i am only interested by what i can do and i’ll allways try to improve myself

Wait, hurt? You think I have a problem with being insulted? It’s just a simple fact that when I insult you, I insult properly along with messages that matter.

For example, I’ll call you an ugly french bastard while in the middle of showing something more.

I don’t post paragraphs of bad attempts at insulting, like posting a paragraph of “wow virgin ugly mofo”.

You guys will never be as good as me at anything lmao, I’m better than you at life, at skills, at insulting…at everything /shrug

Genjo didn’t you tell someone you’re married? Was that a lie? Or are you really a married man who spends his whole day on DBZ forums and torrents. Pathetic loser lmao

And are you fucking retarded?
“Can be good for what was animated in 60fps”… Jesus christ lmao anyway I got things to do with my life, not talk to retards all day who talk about DBZ in 60fps, cya

who said i am working on 60fps dbz? yes cyao the best technical guys , so competent and so strong that no one recognize his skills :)
it’s time to play with your dick(wife)

Hahahaha who the fuck even brought in the color correction diwcussion the 60 fps one. When you have nothing else to say in your behalf you go with irrelevant arguments … Silly ugly mofo

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


Enigmo, dbfan120 and ZZZ-DragginBall-ZZZ, obviously everyone has their point of view, but, please, respect. I went up this torrent to see the opinion of the people and be able to improve, not to see insults. Obviously I do not have enough knowledge to do this so that they are all satisfied, but it is normal, I do my version to see it myself, I do not say that the CC of enigmo is not good, but I prefer to do an edition that satisfies me. Of course, I’ll be happy to receive some advice, or to see a screenshot of the original broadcast …

it’s already better, you used sharpening? (there is haloing)

Hugo2003DBZ (uploader)


Yes. I did some tests and without sharpen when rendering loses definition …

Big mistake using sharpening… That means color correction is not a success

Is that denoise? Enigmos favorite weapon to hide incompetence.

color correction shouldn’t affect the sharpening, i think it’s the way you deinterlace or encode your dvd or maybe the output resolution

@ZZZ-DragginBall-ZZZ and @enigmo this colour correction destroys your versions.



so stop fighting like little bitches and help each other to make the best version of DBZ.