One of the greatest titles across all anime - Black Lagoon was actually my intro to anime in '07 or '08 when Starz aired it and Hellsing. Stumbled across those 2 at like 3am one day, fell in love with both and started renting anime from Netflix to find what I did or didn't like. (I was 36 years old and had no idea there was so much awesome available; I'd never watched anime before then. Or none except a couple as a kid like Voltron & G-Force.)
Almost immediately became a collector - now a bit more than a decade later the 3rd bedroom in my house is nearly wall to wall & floor to ceiling with thousands of box sets, movies, LE collections, etc. Most expensive hobby I've ever had but the most enjoyable for sure! (I actually have 3 different collections of Black Lagoon, lol.)
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