Japanese Title: Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II OVA
English Title: Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon II OVA
Short title: DanMachi II OVA
Duration: 26 minutes
Quality: 1920x1080 or 1080p High Definition (HD)
Video source: Trash/Balalaika (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1216128)
Subtitle source: Trash/Balalaika (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1216128)
I changed fonts, size, colors and the other and I added OP Romanji subs with OP English subs Except ED subs (It's difficult to put on it because it's different from Season 2 Ending Opening, yeah I'm not japanese how to learn japanese but feel free to add ED subs and fix OP subs whatever you like).
I'm tired... I'm currently adding OP subs and ED subs on Val x Love Episode 2 thoooo
=== Update by February 14, 2020 ===
Blu-ray Disc or BD version is here
Link >> https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1220404
File list
[DanMachi-Subs] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II OVA [1080p].mkv (299.5 MiB)
BJX just take your times... My upload speed is only 1.10 mbps... it's quite slow... I think it would take around 30~40 minutes to complete download. :)
Comments - 11
omnipotent500 (uploader)
omnipotent500 (uploader)
omnipotent500 (uploader)
omnipotent500 (uploader)
omnipotent500 (uploader)
omnipotent500 (uploader)