Episodes 45-50 raws were the bluray release that are up on nyaa. They were re-encoded to a smaller size (kept the resolution) with extremely minor de-noising. The opening and ending songs were not re-encoded since they’re not that big anyway.
Japanese tv airing subtitles matches the frame rate of the blu-ray so all you need to do is shift the timing. I recommend potplayer or kmplayer for shifting the times. for potplayer press < and > and for kmplayer press [ and ] to shift times. I don’t think either of these players will show the fonts or the typesetting. you could also download aegisub to shift the times then watch it on media player classic to see the fonts and typesetting.
for episodes 45-50, if you already have the bluray video files, you can get the subs and watch on media player classic. install the fonts if you care
dl fonts:
subs for 1-45 that match jaapnese tv airing (same frame rate as bluray release)
subs for 46-50
italian subs from bluray
looking for translators, translation checkers, editors, timers, etc
bluray !
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