[DmonHiro] Battle Athletes (DVD Remux) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] Battle Athletes (DVD Remux)

2020-09-01 23:14 UTC
File size:
12.7 GiB
Info hash:
![image](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fPlUGfREDM8/X07WCn-OONI/AAAAAAAACgE/VjxaZi7U7OIU9NVO3dp5hIRKoJ0qWVI4gCLcBGAsYHQ/s1280/BAO.png) Humanity has been though a lot. After the devastating war on 2015, followed by a global calamity that almost wiped out the planet, humanity battled an alien force for decades until a stalemate was reached. It was decided that the victor would be the one to outperform his opponent in physical prowess. After a surprising victory by the humans, they dedicated their lives to perfecting the human physique. Now, in the year 3XXX, women around the world compete to be crowned the most athletic woman in the solar system: the Cosmo Beauty. Kanzaki Akari is such a woman. The daughter of a previous Cosmo Beauty, she wins herself a spot in the most renown training facility, University Satellite. But she soon learns that the student at this university are expected to perform at a much higher level then she even thought possible. A blast form the past. Battle Athletes is based on a series of PC games where you trained Akari in different sports to win the championship. You might be familiar with the more popular TV series, but this 6 part OVA was the base for it. It's not a bad entry at all, and sets the stage quite well, but it is a bit rough around the edges. The animation is fluid but wonders off model often, and the pacing is lightning fast. Still, it's quite enjoyable and will even enhance your enjoyment of the TV series, as some of the characters here are prototypes for the TV show. Subs from the official R1 release. Them being from the 90s, the timing is not so good and they took some liberties with the translation. Nothing too bad though. Thank god they stopped translating the -san as Ms/Mr. I always hated that. **Rating: 7/10** **Preview (Middle-click the image to open video in new tab. Preview contains subtitles)** [![Preview](https://i.ibb.co/FhcJ5Vf/BAO-PV.png)](https://mega.nz/file/hUMkkAQA#kz7W_xNz2WDlE8XE_HSNPM9VnVK84w6aJMkMP8Boyyg) https://anidb.net/anime/848

File list

  • [DmonHiro] Battle Athletes (DVD Remux)
    • O1 - Chronicle Beginning.ass (46.1 KiB)
    • O1 - Chronicle Beginning.mkv (3.0 GiB)
    • O2 - Oath Entrant.ass (27.2 KiB)
    • O2 - Oath Entrant.mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • O3 - Screaming Advance.ass (29.8 KiB)
    • O3 - Screaming Advance.mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • O4 - Match Unexpected.ass (30.3 KiB)
    • O4 - Match Unexpected.mkv (2.0 GiB)
    • O5 - Objective Tension.ass (32.9 KiB)
    • O5 - Objective Tension.mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • O6 - Stage Yonder.ass (30.4 KiB)
    • O6 - Stage Yonder.mkv (1.9 GiB)
loved this and the series... waiting for the new anime...

DmonHiro (uploader)

Hell, yeah! 2021 coming with a new Battle Athletes anime. Can't wait.
@DmonHiro Oh really !? NO =_= ... They will ruin the good old art this anime has as one of the 90s toons . Thanks for this torrent .

DmonHiro (uploader)

Maybe they won't. This isn't Hollywood yet. There's still a chance a continuation, even after all this time, could be fun.
OwO.... thanks...
Whoopie doopie. I still like the old Geneon/Pioneer dubbed dvds, guess I'll have dig mine out and rewatch them tomorrow.
These DVD's (and others) you've been sharing are R2? You don't have the extras from the DVD to also share? Anyways, key visuals on the new one https://natalie.mu/comic/news/394285 Official: http://daiundoukai-restart.jp/ ![](https://i.postimg.cc/Y0XYB7Zy/daiundoukai-restart-teser.jpg)
Sankyuu for this :) I want Ikkitousen and Queen's Blade to come back someday!! Full TV series. Not just OVAs and specials.
> I want Ikkitousen and Queen’s Blade to come back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) me too!

DmonHiro (uploader)

It's the R2 DVDs from the box set. The OVA DVD didn't have any extras. The TV ones have a few.
Ikkitousen did sorta kinda came back for an all too short period. QB definitely needs a return.
Why do you separate your .ass and mkvs? Who does that? What's wrong? Forgot how to mux? If you're doing on that purpose, dick move. Real epic. How's it feel now @DmonHiro

DmonHiro (uploader)

@Chrno: You think you're the first one to ask that? Dude, please.
Did I say I was the first? Did I stutter?
What is the point to mux subtitles into mkv? Isn't it pointless? Better to have them separate from mkvs. There is no even any problems with playback. And if u need only subtitles you don't need to download .mkvs to extract them.

DmonHiro (uploader)

Meant that if you want to annoy me you will have to be more creative than that. Is English even your first language? You seem to miss obvious cues.
@H1mik It's not pointless. Some platforms automatically detect external subtitles and load them, some do not. For example, if I load an MKV onto my mobile device and play it using the mobile version of VLC, external subtitles are not loaded, while internal ones are. So for maximum compatibility, it's important to mux them. That being said, it's not that big of a deal to just mux them yourself if the uploader decides not to.