[Z4ST1N] Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi (Redo of Healer) - 05 (Uncensored Web+TV 1080p Hi10P AAC) :: Nyaa ISS

[Z4ST1N] Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi (Redo of Healer) - 05 (Uncensored Web+TV 1080p Hi10P AAC)

2021-02-17 16:05
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  • [Z4ST1N] Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi - 05 [F73D5B73].mkv (1.1 GiB)

Achievement unlocked: Appear in Zastin’s description

I take it you guys realise this is last weeks episode

Zastin (uploader)


big shoutout to HIDIVE for being late as fuck with episode 6, helping us keep our goal of finishing before the next episode airs!

Zastin (uploader)


That’s just for the “Redo Version”

Delayed by power outage

So does this mean we will get episodes faster or the same time? I love your uploads so much

What’s the “Redo Version”? And what’s this version?

Zastin (uploader)


So does this mean we will get episodes faster or the same time? I love your uploads so much

No, that’s the Tuesday after it airs I’m pretty sure. I seriously doubt HIDIVE are getting it a day earlier than when it airs in Japan

What’s the “Redo Version”? And what’s this version?

It’s a less-censored version. This version is fully uncensored, splicing the better censored video with the poorer quality uncensored video only for censored scenes

Redo is less censored, but still censored
This is completely uncensored. This is last week’s episode, btw. Episode 6 still needs like 2h30min to release uncensored in Japan

But what happened to EP6 censored version? It’s kinda late this week as well.


Censored version for this week is up as a raw



ZASTIN’s post explains. Power outages means Sentai’s suffering difficulties outside their control to get the episode out

big shoutout to HIDIVE for being late as fuck with episode 6, helping us keep our goal of finishing before the next episode airs!

Btw, does this mean you will release episods 12 when s02E01 airs?

Thanks Zastin any idea if you will be able to up 06 before the next airing?

That redo version on Hdive isn’t worth the time. Owning it in the states wil be the only way to get the same version that will air on AT-X.
But it is nice to actually watch something funi hasn’t molested.

Zastin (uploader)


Thanks Zastin any idea if you will be able to up 06 before the next airing?

Hopefully. It only ended up being a day late so it shouldnt be too long either way

@Zastin what is your discord?

Zastin (uploader)


gonna try to catch up, fuck being a week behind and having 2 episodes to do

@Zastin what is your discord?


digital tag for discord?

Zastin (uploader)


hm? i dont have a server or anything

nah don’t worry, take your time

re: hm? i dont have a server or anything

Maybe you should have one just to post announcements, and disable messaging so we can see updates and you dont get spam nor do you have to come check the comments section

Do you have an ETA for the new episodes?

Come the fuck on already

Your releases for this show are the best. If you’re falling behind for unavoidable reasons it’s not a big deal. I hope you will continue and catch up as you can.

Feel free to do it by yourself if you can, and btw i expect your releases by tommorow.

Go fuck yourself, kiss ass

hey hey, I think you are too young to be watching such anime, maybe go back to kindergarten learn some manners and common sense

Yeah that’s definitely going to speed up the progress. Good job guys!
It’s not the end of the world. If you don’t want to wait, go watch someone else’s upload. Zastin is doing this without asking for anything after all

@Ursaring whoa i don’t think anyone can recover from that comeback

thanks a lot, really enjoy these releases

I take on everyone’s hatred with a smile because I know that you all know that I’m right and it KILLS you all inside

@Ursaring bro you killed them. damn

Hey @Zastin, not asking for a date, just wanted to know IF we can still expect the episodes SOMEDAY or if you dropped it. If you tell me they’ll come eventually I’ll just wait

Zastin (uploader)


lmao what happened here?

editor-kun’s been very unmotivated so i sent Bullet-san to put a little urgency in him

Don’t worry Zastin, only some edgy teens. Hope editor is feeling better and you can release the episodes when you can at your own pace.

We Love Your Work! Take Your Time Zastin, We Can Wait There Is No Need To Rush!

How long is it gonna take