The adventure continues for our heroes as they set out to Katalina's kingdom to encounter its Primal Beast, then off to fight a immortal monster, set free a childhood friend, then watch the parallel adventures of Djeeta and her party.
So here is the second season. It's like meeting an old friend... only to realize it's not really your old friend, it's just some dude who skinned your friend and is now wearing him like a costume. So yeah, they changed the studio. MAPPA studio is the one doing this instead of A-1. I don't really know why, I guess it's because Cygames seems to like partnering with them. But the change of style took some time to get used to. It's just not the same though. Oh well.... Subs by Erai. At least I didn't have to translated the extra episodes.
No, I don't do 1080p (except for some movies). There are many 1080p raws out there. Just grab these subs (the .ass) files, rename them, and they should work with the raws. Unless the encored for those raws screwed something up.
Comments - 11
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)