[TIFF] Dragon Ball Z - Uncompressed Screenshots (Blu-ray) [Selecta Visión] :: Nyaa ISS

[TIFF] Dragon Ball Z - Uncompressed Screenshots (Blu-ray) [Selecta Visión]

2021-09-22 02:34 UTC
No information.
File size:
94.9 MiB
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Another upscale. News article [here](http://www.mubis.es/noticias/capturas-de-muestra-de-la-serie-dragon-ball-z-en-blu-ray) which says it'll begin this year. But hey, at least it looks better than the 30th Anniversary release.

File list

  • selectavision_dbz-bd-muestras-fotogramas_2021-09-20_1904.zip (94.9 MiB)
That's awesome . I really liked their Original DB upscale, despite of their DNRs . And I really regret deleting the R2J DBOX- synced audios of Funimation dub I used to have , because they would be easier to sync to that upscale . Of Course , It's way better than that 30th Anniversary garbage . Greetings, Great Impakt .

Impakt (uploader)

It does look better than the R1US and R2JP Dragon Boxes Z and I know fans will disagree, but that's perfectly fine. You can find screenshot comparisons on [Blu-ray.com](https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=56890&page=419) about this release versus 30A, Dbox, Level Sets, and Kai. That being said, there's a fan-upscale using AI Ersgan and that looks pretty darn amazing by using iKaos' Merged Dragon Box release. Much as the original Dragon Box Z is desired by fans, it's become outdated on its own. See screenshots [here](https://anidex.info/torrent/393152). Of course, no one can upload these fan-upscales here as it's against the rules (it's for the better considering there are so many and most are garbage upscales). Edit: I'm expecting DBGT BD Upscaled next.
@Impakt If they can't be uploaded here (for whatever silly reasons) is there another mega link you have for that? I have some content that is upgraded in a similar fasion, probably the same technique, and it looks amazing too. I only wanted this and the 30A (and the GT Animax) because despite loss of detail or fan outrage it is the only way to watch the shows at anything above dvd resolutions. We NEED those AI upscales here. What rule prevents that but allows work from iKaos or Scoped? Call me ignorant but the work they do seems way more advanced than an upscale filter.

Impakt (uploader)

> Upper limits on video resolution based on source: • DVD source video is limited to 1024x576p. This rule. You could say it's a double standard they allow upscales by distributors, which would be true. And sadly, no, I don't nor know about a MEGA link for it (wish there was).
I didn't like the fan upscale you sent , it has been done only for fun , I believe . Oh .. Yeah .. To be honest, distributors upscales can be acceptable sometimes, unlike the ones which done by fans .
@impakt where do I download the AI upscale? If you say it's good, then it's gotta be worth checking out and I'd like to see it:)

Impakt (uploader)

Where I mentioned the screenshots to be. Here's the link unhiden: https://anidex.info/torrent/393152 There appears to be one seeder right now.
@Impakt is there any direct download or are u able do seed the upscaled version of DBZ SOM ? cause it loads only with like 1-10 kb/s or nothing sadly.
@Impakt seems kinda arbitrary but you did link something so I guess I outta read closely next time. Thanks again.
I really like it, I hope they do GT after this.

Impakt (uploader)

@ SSJBejito No DDL links, but there are plans for someone to make a new AI Ersgan upscale using the Merged Dbox release. Selecta's DBZ Dbox looks cleaner and nicer to me, but it doesn't feel HD-ish.
This shit looks wack af lol. idk what ya'll are talking about. Don't waste your money on this trash. You gotta be on some real fuckin copium to think this looks acceptable ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/xbxP5J2.png)
@Impakt Please put the download back, only this one is missing😢 https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1204390
WOW DUH KOLERZ LOK SO MUC BEDR DEN DBOX ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/jnmGE0q.png)

Impakt (uploader)

Oh, great. The edgy DBZ fans are here, as usual.
@Impact The R2J are better in terms of details but for the rest I would go for these blurays. Also keep in mind that they do a great job in terms of cleaning and ghosting (there is strangly in some of the eps in both DB and DBZ). I think a donwscaling in 720p with dehalo (there is also) would be a great release. Will think about it to reencode maybe, I remember releasing on U2 a DVDRip in 720p with Yurasyk help but stopped cause it was not wanted there.
@Impakt Ignore the Virgins
@Gnosis Why wouldn't you want Impakt-sama to talk to you?
@Impakt Calls bad BD release bad Trolls ??? If you want upscaled Dragon Box just download Ronin's upscale. You don't need some shitty Spanish distributor to do it for you a million times worse.
@Senjia Yeah because U2 doesn't want upscales cluttering their site lol
looks like nothin’ but a piece of shit upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI