Title: Inkyara na Ore to Ichatsukitai tte Maji kayo… / You Seriously Want to Be Lovey-Dovey with a Loner Like Me…
Author: Sakura Uta
Illustrator: Masuishi Kinoto
Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance
Translation: CClaw
A gloomy boy, Shizuki Kujo, quietly endures his student life.
However, suddenly, the most cheerful girl in school, Yona Kasuga, confesses her love to him!
He’s fed up with her happy-go-lucky attitude and turns her down, but she declares, “Please change me into the ideal gloomy person!”
Why are we here, just to suffer.
Comments - 4
Thank you for this!
Thank you.
…another wish-fulfillment novel. Kinda trashy and it was a slog to read through. Can’t recommend.