[MTBB] Hanamonogatari (BD 1080p) :: Nyaa ISS

[MTBB] Hanamonogatari (BD 1080p)

2022-05-02 00:51
#MTBB on Rizon
File size:
2.9 GiB
Info hash:

Full Monogatari series batch: Click here


Original script: Commie
QC & Motion Tracking: motbob

There are alternate honorifics tracks in this release. Set your media player to play “enm” language tracks by default to automatically play honorifics tracks.

Please leave feedback in the comments, good or bad.
Please read this short playback guide if you want to know how to make the video and subtitles of this release look better.
All components of this release are released into the public domain to the greatest extent possible.

File list

  • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari (BD 1080p)
    • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari - 01v2 [9FC5A46F].mkv (690.4 MiB)
    • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari - 02v2 [C7C5E4F6].mkv (537.8 MiB)
    • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari - 03v2 [779E2D9A].mkv (438.1 MiB)
    • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari - 04v2 [39BB51C3].mkv (732.1 MiB)
    • [MTBB] Hanamonogatari - 05v2 [495914A0].mkv (535.4 MiB)



put me in the screencap

posting in epic thread

God, I have completely lost track of the Monogatari series. When you finish all of this, please do one giant torrent. Thank you.

full project completion: 60%.

Almost there! GLHF!

did you look at DDY’s subs when doing this

We’re Almost There

Wow… that’s pretty bad, herkz. “Call me Selfish-sama”? This is Hadena tier.

Edit: I swear I didn’t read the lines under that picture before writing that. It just immediately reminded me of Hadena.

technically they did v2 episode 1 but unless the v2 was to have a different translator entirely work on it i wouldn’t expect much

motbob (uploader)


did you look at DDY’s subs when doing this

If I wanted alternate takes on lines, I would look in the LNs.

I’d actually suggest people check DDY subs for eps 4 and 5 and possibly the 1st, because they were done by kokujin-kun who I think is a good translator.

Only Nise, Neko Kuro, and Koyomi left!

So one thing about all these new subs that I’m having a hard time deciding about is the way the karaoke is done. On the one hand, they all look really good and I like the visual look of how it will match with whatever’s going on during the OP with them rotating, blending into each other in a mirror reflection etc. to match with the rest of the text.

On the other…they really go against everything that karaoke is technically supposed to be there for. There’s no romaji to follow along (i.e. the whole point of it being called karaoke) and even if they were there, it would be impossible to follow along still, given how in several of the OPs as mentioned, they rotate upside down, merge into each other and do all kinds of crazy shit that makes it impossible to read.

So why are they even there is what I’m wondering?..but at the same time I do like the way they look. This is just a thought that was bothering me as I don’t know of any other subs for any show I’ve downloaded that do it in this way. As I see it, they logically serve no purpose as they are (at least for the ones that become unreadable).

New encodes that look somewhat worse than Kawaiika but are much smaller.

Are there comparisons available between this and Kawaiika?

This is my favorite Monogatari part ever, so thanks! Going right up there on the shelf.