Could you show me some examples? For チコちゃん, how kind of tag would you use? How about カネオ君, ブラタモリ?
I have no idea what kind of tags are useful. Examples are greatly appreciated.
I hope you add tag like below,
If you use tags like above, I can easy to fined your files from Nyaa.
I hope you add "theoadam" tag to every your files.
Oh, I see what you mean by “tag” now.
I believe you can show my uploads by clicking on the name under the “Submitter”.
![alt text]( "submitter")
Then, all of my uploads will show. And you can only search for what I uploaded.
![alt text]( "search theoadam's torrents")
The way I name my torrents is simple. It's just the copy-paste from the TV guide. I would rather not add anything else. It's because it's time-consuming.
I used to add one screenshot to all of my uploads. But it took me really long and I discounted doing it. This is an example.
So, I would like to keep my uploads as least time-consuming to me as possible.
Thanks for your understanding.
Comments - 5
theoadam (uploader)
theoadam (uploader)