チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席 2022年06月24日 :: Nyaa ISS

チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席 2022年06月24日

2022-06-25 02:53 UTC
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File size:
306.1 MiB
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チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席 [総合] 2022年06月24日 午後7:57 ~ 午後8:42 (45分) 今回のチコちゃんの素朴な疑問は…鼻の下の溝ってなに?夕方になると街にメロディーが流れるのはなぜ?特急列車の座席が倒せるのはなぜ?みなさんわかりますか? ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/U3Ddlrz.jpg "チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席") 世の中には身近で素朴な疑問がいっぱい。そこにはよくよく調べてみると興味深い世界が広がっています。チコちゃんが繰り出すそんな疑問を家族みんなで考えてみませんか?今回の疑問は…鼻の下の溝ってなに?夕方になると街にメロディーが流れるのはなぜ?特急列車の座席が倒せるのはなぜ?みなさんわかりますか?柄本佑がボーっとしてた過去の思わぬ体験談を披露。足立梨花の顔をテレビカメラでドアップにすると…?

File list

  • チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席.mp4 (306.1 MiB)
Pls add like [theoadam] tag to files, so I can easy to search your files. Thnks...

theoadam (uploader)

Could you show me some examples? For チコちゃん, how kind of tag would you use? How about カネオ君, ブラタモリ?  I have no idea what kind of tags are useful. Examples are greatly appreciated.
@theoadam I hope you add tag like below, [theoadam]チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席.mp4 チコちゃんに叱られる!▽鼻の下の溝▽夕方のメロディー▽特急列車の座席-theoadam.mp4 If you use tags like above, I can easy to fined your files from Nyaa. I hope you add "theoadam" tag to every your files.

theoadam (uploader)

Oh, I see what you mean by “tag” now. I believe you can show my uploads by clicking on the name under the “Submitter”. ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/brteBbC.jpg "submitter") Then, all of my uploads will show. And you can only search for what I uploaded. ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/VBe7W7w.jpg "search theoadam's torrents") The way I name my torrents is simple. It's just the copy-paste from the TV guide. I would rather not add anything else. It's because it's time-consuming. I used to add one screenshot to all of my uploads. But it took me really long and I discounted doing it. This is an example. https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1095324 So, I would like to keep my uploads as least time-consuming to me as possible. Thanks for your understanding.
@theoadam Thank you for your prompt and kind reply, I really appreciate it. I am waiting for your new upload after your summer vacation. Thnks agn...