Video: Tsundere-Raws
Subtitles are edited, restyled and retimed Tezu. I also added in some basic typesetting here and there. The title card has been shamelessly stolen from RaptoR. Hopefully this is a better end result compared to what came before it. I didn’t do a proper QC because I’m lazy, and as such, I’m expecting to see some errors pop up. Please let me know of any errors you encounter, I will try to get them fixed ASAP.
Comments - 4
Can people stop using Tsundere-Raws? The audio is messed up in all of them with bad compression artifacts that you can hear really clearly with good speakers.
phantomshadow07 (uploader)
Would you recommend the Amazon rips instead then? I’m more than willing to switch if they are superior
Seed plz
I use the audio data stream from [VARYG] and the video data stream from [LoliHouse].