Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion
Original subs: Meguca
QC: motbob
Special thanks: Zewia, Moelancholy
2.0 and 5.1 audio included.
There is an alternate honorifics track in this release. Set your media player to play “enm” language tracks by default to automatically play honorifics tracks.
It turns out that Aniplex, a major anime publisher, has been intentionally sabotaging the quality of many of its Blu-Rays for more than a decade. Though it doesn’t seem like the Monogatari series has been affected, high-profile shows like Kill la Kill, Lycoris Recoil, Promare, Haruhi, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fate/Zero, Fate Stay/Night: UBW, Fate literally/everything/else, the Shirobako movie, Ascendance of a Bookworm, Soul Eater, and Steins;Gate contain scenes where the quality has been reduced for no good reason, particularly the first three anime in the list. The only way to fix this is to use an alternate source like Crunchyroll (which doesn’t always work that well because the scenes with this damage often have a high bitrate) or a non-US, non-JP Blu-Ray.
This movie, too, is affected by Aniplex’s shenanigans, so the German Blu-Ray was used as an alternate source. (The Italian Blu-Ray was a copy of the JPBD.) This was principally used to replace the chroma in many scenes, with MTBB having better colors than the JPBD in comps 03-06 below, for example. Comp 28 is about as bad as it gets. About 20% of the movie is affected. But the German Blu-Ray has all kinds of artifacting in high-motion scenes, so it normally was not worth it to use it for luma. The chroma replacement was handled automatically, with scenes alternating between the JP and GER BDs depending on which source had stronger edgemasks for chroma. You can see that the chroma is more blurry in the bad JPBD scenes, so I figured an edgemask would be correspondingly weaker, and that method seems to have worked pretty reliably.
Another aspect of this encode is the fractional rescale. This movie is a great demonstration of the power of a proper descale --> waifu2x cunet double. Some of the lineart repair going on here is downright miraculous, like in comp 27 below, even in comparison to Kawaiika. The Monogatari series basically has the same sort of lineart as Madoka, so it would also benefit from this process—though it wouldn’t be that much of an improvement over Kawaiika-Raws/OZR. If you want to encode it, the descale is 719.78 fractional for the res and probably (0, 0.5) bicubic for the kernel, though I think that changes at some point in the series. Bakemonogatari in particular would benefit from better lineart filtering than the best current encode (Beatrice-Raws).
Anyway, here’s some comparisons. Kawaiika was included because it is by far the best JPBD-based encode.
Comments - 18
Then Movie 1 and 2 are just recap of TV version
>not lowpassing all your BDs to own the weebs
Sorry to be the casual here, but are we supposed to be able to see a difference in the comparisons? Even zoomed, I can’t tell.
motbob (uploader)
You may be interested in the upcoming mini version of this movie.
Serious question, is that more of a laptop issue? Or am I just not used to looking with the level of detail to notice? :\
motbob (uploader)
Yeah, the display you use to view anime can make a huge difference. It’s way harder for me to see detail on my laptop, too.
TL;DR for those who don’t want to read: Aniplex sucks balls
@letslovelain probably you don’t have 1080p display…
all this time i thought aniplex were the good guys…
This is great
The lowpass filter abuse seems to be mainly a thing with discs that are authored by IMAGICA. Monogatari series BDs were done by Q-TEC.
[delete aniplex] was right
look at comparison 28
not only display if use VLC or outdated media player like cccp codec or even official mpc-hc build
for better experience you should use mpv with shaders or as second option mpc-be + LAV Filters Nightly builds with madvr as video renderer
note : long manual configuration is required
Are you planning to work on the latest Oregairu OVA at some point? Sorry if this has been asked before.
this is epic
Still hoping you would do Movie 1 and 2, Even if it’s recap/summary.
Thanks either way!
Only 3 months later, Movie 4 will be announced. Bob is a fortune teller!