![Against.The.Sky.Supreme.(Ni.Tian.ZhiZun)](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.xwLjZ_2aStNnTvAi6niRwwHaD4%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=be3761b8b5cc4a9435f3a120e0e628c8615dc65f6e716fe826db66cd2cf1c215&ipo=images "Against.The.Sky.Supreme.(Ni.Tian.ZhiZun)")
**Against.The.Sky.Supreme.(Ni.Tian.ZhiZun).S01E001-S01E253 Donghua EngHardSubs Edited for Content(EFC)**
**From now on the EDITED FOR CONTENT(EFC) will be the BRAND for my**
**Exclusive Edited Series which once torrent is started it will be upgraded and maintained REGULARLY unlike most things nyaa**
**You can count on EFC to provide quality video cuts of popular anime and donghua Without all that video junk properly seeded on a seedbox.**
**Requests are welcome**
These files were sourced from myanime.live
This donghua is a looooong drama
Its worth a watch though or I wouldn't upload it and edit all the episodes.
The entire universe is divided into the inner universe and the outer universe. The two universes are enemies of each other. The outer universe is ruled by demons, and the inner universe is divided into The Realm of gods, the Eternal Realm, and the Mortal Realm. In the universe, there are countless mortal worlds like the Tianfa Continent, and they are collectively referred to as the Jiutian Xin Region. In the field of Jiutian Xin, nine immortal emperors commanded all star fields in nine layers. Above the nine heavens is the realm of purification of immortal gods.
**ALL INTRO MUSIC AND EXIT TRAILERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED (except episode 001 of each Season - for any fans of the intro/exit music.)**
29:50 hours of pure content - no interruptions (253 - 7 minute Episodes)
suggest watching at 80% speed. the mandarin is spoken VERY fast and makes reading subtitles RUSHED and annoying IMHO.
Potplayer is a fantastic video player and has special code to make spoken words sound NORMAL at slower speeds. To slow down just click the playback tab in console and click SLOWER and it goes down to 90% 80% 70% so forth with each click. Slower is ESPECIALLY useful when trying to learn another language as well. Other players have similar functions but the code to sound normal when slower is unique to Potplayer I believe.
>>>If you enjoy my releases please help seed as much as possible. I only have 100Mbit seed ability so any help you can give is GREATLY appreciated by me as well as others trying to access this torrent. Cheers>>
can you make a batch for Fox Spirit Matchmaker ?
ep 001-145
Yea I kinda seek out the lost and neglected in my own way. Trash is trash and I dont waste time seeding garbage. Now that Ive started this one I will update the torrent nicely edited for content every 40 episodes cuz theyre so short. Enjoy.
Comments - 6
Bullitbaby (uploader)
Bullitbaby (uploader)
Bullitbaby (uploader)