[SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 12 (1080p) [EC3811BA].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 12 (1080p) [EC3811BA].mkv

2024-07-03 15:03 UTC
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985.8 MiB
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  • [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 12 (1080p) [EC3811BA].mkv (985.8 MiB)
is this hidive again?
best thing about s2 is that in s3 we will get the incest arc letsgoooooooooo
matheousse you guys are doing this, right?
best thing we are getting in episode 69 this season (or fourth season) is that aqua fucks akane real hard in 4k arc letsgoooooooooo
Best thing in season 6 is they will finally convert to Islam, the women shall all wear burqas and renounce the kufr dances they practice and the men will teach them how to behave with a steady hand lesfakengooooooooo
I have no clue why this is popular.
Sweet home Alabama.......
You have no clue why a great show is popular?
ShikanokoNokonokoKoshitantan ShikanokoNokonokoKoshitantan ShikanokoNokonokoKoshitantan
@Shadowfury broother I'm a bookworm and I find most works trash. I thoroughly enjoy novels more than most anime so I need a very compelling story. I dropped this at episode 4 but I'll give it a chance saying I'm fully caught up on One Piece and my backlog is almost complete. I'm just really tired of the reincarnation trope, isekai or not.
Seems like this still has audio problems, I assume it's because it's from HiDive
It has? Isn't it just the ed that's weird?
It's most obvious when Ruby is talking around the 6 minute point. There's audio distortion from any higher pitched sounds like the "sss" sound in a human voice, an issue that's common with many of the HiDIVE releases. If you compare this release versus say one of the netflix rips, it stands out pretty well. It comes from "holes" in the audio waveform.
@TimelessBear official JP numbering is 12, no season distinction
Here's an example of how HiDIVE murders the audio (from google cache because they deleted the direct link at https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1799953 ): http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.land%2Fview%2F1799953&sca_esv=e1d839af44a7b9af&sca_upv=1&source=hp&ei=uKyFZpqTKbGzuvQP_P2SkAg&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZoW6yIEjKkwe7fhfmgxWpJShHoWx6KY9&ved=0ahUKEwiaz5O204uHAxWxmY4IHfy-BIIQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.land%2Fview%2F1799953&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz
Rowan what kinda books do you like man, you seem like you have taste
The greek classics including Odyssey of course, Poe, Lovecraft, Mark Twain, some King novels (but not most), late 19th century books I won't specify from various authors, biographies of the Wild West and early America, Tolkien who will always be my favorite author (I read all his books, before the movies and at a young age), I also think certain works I read as a very young child like Gulliver's Travels and Journey to the Center of the Earth had some sort of impact on me. Of course I'm only mentioning mostly safe things I've read as I don't want to divulge all of my psyche as I am quite the reserved individual, but I do consume 'slop' fantasy books and like stuff like Gardens of the Moon and Conan. As far as manga goes I read a lot less than I used to but I prefer psychological/seinen and subtle horror or suspense. I suppose what I am keen on going into would be the field of mystery novels if they are any good, as I've basically ignored the genre..... edit: I also forgot to say but I like the study of religion and theology as well as SOME lost history but that is just scraping the surface. I have books in some of those fields that are impossible to find in print, some of which is secret esoteric related stuff but due to my personal beliefs I put that research as well as demonology on hold ad infinitum, particularly because some knowledge is literally cursed and I've seen some shit, for real.
_@Rowan_ Sounds like you'd enjoy _Frank Herbert's_ books then too. I don't just mean the _Dune_ series either. He's got a book about sentient stars called, _Whipping Star_.
Waiting for Starsugen :3
yo are we litposting what the fuck the gardens of the moon/malazan series is actually fantastic by slop fantasy standards if you can overcome its sheer goddamn mass, strongly endorse this series recently I have been grinding the audiobooks for the black company series and that is also pretty great - staple 80s grimdark fantasy, well executed whipping star is decent indeed (dont forget the followup, dosadi experiment), it's kind of a massive shame that dune ended up philisophically consuming herbert because he's at his absolute best when he's working through the opening thought - the white plague is worth a look too, especially as most of you are probably interested in murdering women gotta throw up ian banks' the culture series here too, consider phlebas is tremendous @rowan it's probably outta left field for you, but you might enjoy gideon the ninth for a fairly nontypical mystery (not a subgenre I find much good in) - the series is basically just bisexuals killing each other, but it's a nice mystery and it's one of my favourite curtain raises on a universe (shit goes weird though in the sequels)
anyway I think this show's problem is exactly the same as mushoku tensei's - which is that it intimates a premise it almost immediately betrays with the most incredible blindness to irony. irony which is raised an order of magnitude by the audiences for these things, who so profoundly manifest the concepts the shows themselves become lost in. both show and watcher are trapped in plato's cave. OnK initially threatens to be a sharply dressed exploration of obsession, fame, power and manipulation, but instead it becomes exactly what it wanted to criticise - vain, simplistic fixation on reducing people to one-dimensional novelties for the purposes of gratification. people horndogging over the characters, obsessing over their images and venerating celebrity is kind of a stunning outcome.
kusuriya no hitorigoto kinda hit me like a bus because I think it did everything these shows fail to do - it used the surface image of characters as a foil for their realities, it remained objective about its world, candid about the lives people live inside it and while the entire thing nearly falls down on author-chan's tragic inability to avoid 'she was actually a babe all along' much like what kills OnK and MT, it hits these moments where it delivers a stunningly insightful view of the strange theatre of society and the characters we ourselves are playing upon that stage.
thankfully I don't have an audio and numbering tism.
wow didn’t expect such a lengthy reply but I appreciate it, you DO indeed know your shit. The Greek epics are definitely essential reading, glad to see some recognition in here of all places I’m kind of intrigued in regards to the esoteric demonology knowledge you consider cursed but I understand you not wanting to elaborate that much
@domwx my standards for anime storytelling are definitely much lower than that of books and fantasy (and there's a lot of slop fantasy), but at this point all I'd like to see is a decent ending in an anime or hell even a manga, they simply cannot do a good ending, it's so rare its like finding a unicorn. What's worse is how one dimensional and how formulaic most MCs are and most stories are. At this point if a story isn't an isekai or uses reincarnation as a deus machina easy plot device it already gets a +1 point in my interest. Maybe I'm a boomer now though, I've simply seen more anime than not so it's hard to get invested. @doge_mlg I feel like it is bad karma even mentioning The Lesser Key but you've most likely heard of it anyway, that book is definitely evil and I've seen weird things happen and more than one person whose life has been destroyed by actually trying to use that shit. Not to schizo-post but demons are quite real and just barely foraying into the subject has left me targeted for years. That's a pretty normie-core known book though, I have other writings from secret societies you'd definitely consider blasphemous and I stopped reading them, shit's whack.
Maybe try a Bible, the obly book that can beat the sxxx out of them all, hands free.


@vrvly only a gay man could suggest da Bible as a le worth reading book
@DeD even from a non-religious perspective the Bible has immense value in what it is, a historical record following God's promise with Jacob and the keeping of the history of his lineage, not to mention it is made from some of the oldest texts and reviewed against archaeology and historical records and documents, proving all the events inside it not only took place, but took place in exact time frames. It is the most read and sold 'book' in human history and has been scoured over by so many thousands of scholars both Christian and non-Christian that it is exceedingly silly, and immature to outright dismiss it as having no value. L moment
the bible is pretty good, lotta crazy shit goin down it's basically a 2000 year old stack of bootleg dvds lmao @rowan yeah, yeah... anime for me is has definitively become a game of cackling at shlock - honestly enjoying garbage for its own sake sometimes - and chasing that damn dragon of the handful of anime I've seen that were worth a single shit. in a way anime _exists_ because of its linear culture, consistency etc, and it's that refinement that allows the handful of really solid shows we get - but that also crushes individuality and really fucking punishes ambition unless that ambition serves a more profitable implementation of the status quo. it's kind of a bitter irony that the knockout successes of anime tend to be things that are the most effectively derivative (even if they're satirical) - it's a vicious cycle in a lot of ways. psycho-pass providence was pretty good btw u guys should watch that