Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v01-06 (2022-2024) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan) :: Nyaa ISS

Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v01-06 (2022-2024) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan)

2024-07-07 09:56 UTC
File size:
459.8 MiB
Info hash:
Another one of low quality One Peace Books Release. ![logo](

File list

  • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v01 (2022) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (82.4 MiB)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v02 (2023) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (84.1 MiB)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v03 (2023) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (72.3 MiB)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v04 (2023) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (73.5 MiB)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v05 (2023) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (80.1 MiB)
    • Captain Corinth - The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes an Adventurer v06 (2024) (Digital) (DigitalMangaFan).cbz (67.3 MiB)
Thanks for uploading this, I was trying to download the official versions of the manga using the Scribd downloder method. Turns out somebody already uploaded the official versions of Galactic Navy officer manga to nyaasi, lol