[Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki (BD 1080 x264 Flac) (Batch) :: Nyaa ISS

[Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki (BD 1080 x264 Flac) (Batch)

2024-11-30 10:38 UTC
File size:
12.1 GiB
Info hash:
![Alt text](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWE1MDk1YjUtOGZhMi00MTYzLTllMDYtOGEwZWViNDk2MjdmXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_.jpg) . . **Subtitle Track:** - English **Subtitle Source:** - ShitAnime/DameDesuYo (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/925731) **Audio Track:** - Japanese **Video Source:** - Moozzi2 (https://nyaa.iss.one/view/868120) **Duration:** - 24 minutes per episode **MyAnimeList Link:** - https://myanimelist.net/anime/30091/Chaos_Dragon__Sekiryuu_Seneki **Resolution:** - 1080p BD **OP/ED subs:** - Yes. It was DameDesuYo who created OP/ED subs **Direct Download Link:** - **Google Drive:** Delayed due to full storage. - **TeraBox:** https://terabox.com/s/1l0AgT4FEifvxUuLu8CqOkg Do you have problem about large size because REMUX...? No problem. I got this. Here you go. Enjoy.

File list

  • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki (BD 1080 x264 Flac) (Batch)
    • Font
      • AGaramo0_0.otf (71.7 KiB)
      • AGaramo6.otf (124.8 KiB)
      • AGaramondPro-Bold.otf (73.2 KiB)
      • AGaramondPro-Regular_0.otf (124.6 KiB)
      • BN Pinky.ttf (32.6 KiB)
      • Becker-Medium.ttf (45.1 KiB)
      • BlackBeard.otf (61.5 KiB)
      • BlackBeard_0.otf (61.5 KiB)
      • COPRGTB.TTF (60.1 KiB)
      • COPRGTB_0.TTF (60.1 KiB)
      • Chanor_Sans_Book_Bold_by_xlphs.otf (106.2 KiB)
      • ChaoDragon_01_encode.mkv.sushi.keyframes.txt (761.2 KiB)
      • ChaoDragon_05_encode.mkv.sushi.keyframes.txt (761.9 KiB)
      • ChaoDragon_06_encode.mkv.sushi.keyframes.txt (757.2 KiB)
      • ChaoDragon_07_encode.mkv.sushi.keyframes.txt (764.9 KiB)
      • ChaoDragon_08_encode.mkv.sushi.keyframes.txt (752.4 KiB)
      • Dadhand.ttf (52.5 KiB)
      • Oleandra.otf (25.6 KiB)
      • calligula.ttf (41.2 KiB)
      • calligula_1.ttf (41.2 KiB)
      • chanorsans_pinyin.otf (152.8 KiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 01 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 02 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 03 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (970.1 MiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 04 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (951.6 MiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 05 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (962.7 MiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 06 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (996.3 MiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 07 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 08 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (922.0 MiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 09 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 10 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 11 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Anime-FLAC] Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki - 12 END (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv (1.1 GiB)

omnipotent500 (uploader)

Do you have problem about large size because REMUX...? No problem. I got this. Here you go. Enjoy.
Do I have a problem with remuxs? Fuck no, I love em' but evidently a lot of shit headed morons here don't. Simple solution-get a bigger hard drive, they're dirt cheap these days!!

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@zrdb lmao some don't have bigger HDD because limit storage 🤷
Got 1667 Animes atm on my Server would i have that many as Remux? Definitly not, most are just meh only a few are worth having as remux or really HQ rip
you think you can make a dual audio with English audio from here with the signs/songs? https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1560663

omnipotent500 (uploader)

@kaiserstar1 sadly, I don't want because 80+GB is too big for me 🤷