Turns out we'd missed a sign in 783 that was there on the Japanese BD but not on the English one. As such, that episode has been re-encoded to include that sign, which has also been translated. Also fixed a minor typo in 789. Since 783 is a new encode entirely we can't provide a patch for that, but here's a patch for 789: [LINK](https://mega.nz/file/tEhmzDqA#fMkv9iZ54dt84x1AbqNNa5dWgDvHZPiy4Xq4hQQkTLY)
![Off to Entire Pastry Landmass](https://i.imgur.com/MmYORUX.png)
Translation: Official
Editing: Puto, Giraffebirbyuimumei, Gyro
Timing: Gyro
Translation Check: Giraffebirbyuimumei
Typesetting: Giraffebirbyuimumei, Gyro
Encoding: Giraffebirbyuimumei
Once upon a time there was Yibis. It died shortly before the end of Zou. As such, Whole Cake Island and the early sections of Wano have long been stuck with only bad options.
Time to start changing that :D
Well, okay, the effort to start changing that has been in the works for a while. The scripts here are largely lightly edited versions of F-R's scripts, which our TLC also worked on. But as of late, Gyro has been making some MAJOR headway on this arc, so most likely it won't take THAT long before the next batch of WCI eps are ready.
Admittedly, these scripts are still somewhat less polished than what we have for Wano because... we have over 150 episodes to get through to close the gap (plus the last few episodes of Zou, for that matter... We'll try to get those done at some point) and so it seemed more pressing to get SOMETHING out that's better than Toei's in-house translations. This release should still be MORE than watchable. Honestly the main thing we sort of skimped on was typesetting for anything other than the text boxes.
Video source here is largely the USBDs, due to them not having the low-pass artifacting that's literally constant on the Japanese BDs. But since the USBDs have edited credits, title cards, signs, and logos, we overlaid Japanese footage for those parts specifically.
To avoid running into problems playing any of our releases, [please use mpv!](https://iamscum.wordpress.com/guides/videoplayback-guide/)
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