[Nii-sama] Kimi no Na wa. [BD][1080p][HEVC][10bit][Styled Soft Subs][FINAL] :: Nyaa ISS

[Nii-sama] Kimi no Na wa. [BD][1080p][HEVC][10bit][Styled Soft Subs][FINAL]

2017-07-28 12:29
File size:
2.7 GiB
Info hash:

Hello again.

*final supreme (this is the last, DEFINITIVE version FOR SURE, and sorry again for this)

  • changed few lines (thanks @fuadhika for pointing it, you are absolutely right)
  • added missing lines from OP
  • corrected .ass settings, now all players should display subs with correct outline (as far I know, it’s only a problem of MPC)

Download Patch FINAL -> FINAL-supreme | use this for 32bit OS


  • added one missing line
  • corrected timings for all lines after signs


  • added missing line (hopefully the last one), thanks @notneeded, @zZSilverBulletZz, @fuadhika
  • added OP and ED song translation
  • fixed 2 OCR (hopefully the last ones) errors.


  • Corrected OCR errors
  • Added 3 missing lines
    Thanks for help @notneeded


  • OCRed and edited official subs.
  • Typesetting
  • Restored honorifics
  • Japanese name order, nicknames, surnames instead names etc
  • Encoded from BD (10bit HEVC placebo profile / AAC 5.1 audio )

Redownloading is not necessary, patches are available here:
Patch v3 -> FINAL-supreme
Patch v4 -> FINAL-supreme
FINAL .ass file with attached fonts

Have a nice time watching it!

File list

  • [Nii-sama] Kimi no Na wa. [BD][1080p][HEVC][10bit][FINAL].mkv (2.7 GiB)

good to see Kizu no na wa finally getting good subs

Thats a joke right?

Of course it’s not a joke, m8. Whether subs contain honorifics or not is the most important measure of quality. That’s something both /a/ and The Cartel can agree on.

Thanks a lot for this. Added it to my evolving file from other sources, so far appears better than kuchikirukia subs with typesetting. (includes honorifics, onee-chan, bentou & beginning/end song lyrics)

Few lyrics from the beginning of opening song still not there
1:09:25 >> ‘You are a complete idiot!’ should be something like ‘How dare you mocking me!’ or maybe something similar
1:18:54 >> ‘Taki!’ should be ‘Taki-kun!’

1:26:44 >> ‘It’s no terrorist attack’ should be ‘There’s no way it’s terrorist attack in a boonies like here’ or something along the line
1:27:22 >> ‘Sayaka’ shoul be ‘Natori’

1:28:38 >> ‘7994’ should be '1994’
1:36:54 >> ‘You’re eating a cake’ should be 'You’re saying that while eating a cake?'
1:40:30 >> ‘Haven’t we met?’ should be ‘Have we met somewhere before?’

oh and this should be said long before, the font colour makes the sub kinda hard to read, you should add some darker outline or some shadow effect

When you’re asking the person making the subs to make a bunch of judgment-call-type changes, it’s time for you to make your own release…

@motbob You’re welcome

There are no subs from 0:01:49 to 0:02:27 in the opening lyrics…not even in the final version…It is THERE in the PGS subs!!..
Just pointing these out as it IS missing…hope it helps… :)

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


@fuadhika thank you so much. I’m making the LAST patch for this. And about outline - ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes was missing in project settings, some players displayed subs without any outline.

How do get the outline? The subs really hard to read :(
I’m using MPC-HC

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


Wait for the patch. ~5min

@TsukiNotsou thanks for your hard work, now this is indeed best sub so far

btw the mega link for FINAL>>FINAL SUPREME invalid

nevermind, it works now lol

final supreme

this might be the worst release on this website. maybe actually watch something before uploading it next time.


How to use the patch???
I already put it in the same folder… And it say “please check your pc version…” or “your pc not compatible…” (I can’t remember because its too fast before the patch window close automatically…

<sound of no fucks given>

Being anal about perfection is not helping you enjoy the show.

[Nii-sama] Kimi no Na wa. [BD][1080p][HEVC][10bit][Final-supreme].mkv

You will continue Eromanga Sensei BD till the end? Your first volume was amazing.Thanks.

“The version of this file is not compatible with the version of windows you’re running. Check your computer’s system information to see whether you nedd an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.”

^ I can’t apply the patch…
Is there anyone can help me???
(I’m using Windows 7 32-bit)

So this is my first time downloading this… what do I download exactly: Just the torrent? or the torrent + top final supreme patch link? or the torrent + Patch v4?

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


You will continue Eromanga Sensei BD till the end?

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


So this is my first time downloading this
Torrent + FINAL -> FINAL-supreme patch

@TsukiNoIsou - Thanks for Eromanga.
I have heavy artifacts, probably is the 10bit encoding, i’m using mpc-HQ, guess i need to set something in the filters to make it work.
Any tips?

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


@Fnights you should really move forward and use modern players. Try mpv. MPC is outdated as hell. You can always download x264 encode and use our subs.

@TsukiNoIsou - i’ve solved changing from Nvidia CUVID to DXVA2 hardware decoding, i have nvidia card. Probably the author of Lav decoder is right. CUVID sucks and is outdated.

@TsukiNoIsou Well I use a mac so I can’t execute your patches. I downloaded the original torrent after V4 was already out, do I still need to patch?

Also Does the last .ass file contain all the fixes? I could just download the .ass file and upload those to the movie if they do I believe…

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


@different, you can use xdelta on OS X too http://macappstore.org/xdelta/
And yes, ass file is up to date.


MPC is outdated as hell.
Jee, it’s only been a week or two since MPC died.
Stuff doesn’t become “outdated as hell” in that short a time…

@TsukiNoIsou Thank you very much!!!

I watched the movie yesterday, and I just can’t believe that is rated too high.

It was an average movie in my opinion. Noting special about. I was expecting something better.

can you post sub file like only without patch ?

Final wasn’t Final, huh? :) When might we expect the full torrent for final-supreme? And are we about done with the updates?

@aryma_saga the link to the .ass file is in the description.

The FINAL-SUPREME subs (including using the .ass file instead of the internal files on the Final-supreme verion) for the end credits song are still black text on a white background in both VLC and MPC-HC, though everything else is perfect.

Hmm it seems that might be intentional as without the white backdrop, you would sometimes have credits scrolling through the lyrics.

@TsukiNoIsou You could consider having a black backdrop across the top stopping the credits from scrolling further, changing font colour to white, and then placing the lyrics ontop of that. Would need to get rid of the ‘\N’ for lines that have double.

Any tips so my toaster can play this? Can’t watch smoothly with KCP’s mpc-hc nor VLC.

@Gunshi HEVC just decodes slower, so there’s nothing you can do. Download something else.

@motbob, Oh, :okay: thanks!
I downloaded, [okay]'s release and I think that’ll do. Tho, it seems the strokes in subs aren’t working in mpc-hc but it works fine with VLC.

@motbob, Yeah, anyway, thanks you!

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


you can always use our subs linked in description with any other encode ;)

@TsukiNoIsou, wait, I can? Hooooow? So I can use it in [okay]'s?
Oshiete yo~

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


download “FINAL .ass file with attached fonts” rename it (both files, video and subs should be named exactly the same) and try playing it. I don’t know how MPC works, but most video players prioritises external subs.

@TsukiNoIsou, It worked! But only for VLC and not for MPC. Wonder why? Thanks tho!

@TsukiNoIsou Thank you for all of the work you put into this. Much appreciated. (I made some minor grammar and font edits for my personal use. If you want a copy just let me know.) Thanks again.

Link for the final sub isn’t working…seems like it got taken down from mega

@Dazzle_Gamer it’s working normally though, just tried it

You guys seem to face many probs with players…try potplayer…it’s supports all video format and never gives any issue like you guys having atm

Just like Silent Voice, your subs are terrible.

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


Just like Silent Voice, your subs are terrible.
Thanks! We are doing our best.

give to me plzz

Which sub is better? final or final supreme?
and how do i patch the final sub with final supreme? i can’t understand

Arigatou Uploader-sama!

I hear these subs are the best around… Will any kind soul out there tell me at what times do any subtitled songs start in this movie? I’d like to cut out those lyrics from the sub before my first watch. I personally find them bothersome and distracting as hell in anime outside of OPs an EDs. But that’s just me. I’d prefer not to skim through all of the dialogue or the video itself at the risk of spoiling anything. Ty for this release.

Just like I thought. Nii-sama’s Blend S subs were terrible, Kimi no na wa, and so on. What a great meme to behold.