- Encoded from BDMV source
- Restyled
- Reformatted (no more “- -” !)
- Heavily delocalized (in some places completely retranslated) CR subs (no more monkeys, yoshis, “peaches”, gals, and other crap)
- Added honorifics
- Japanese name order (+surnames instead names, “Pres/President” instead names etc)
- Added karaoke (lyrical nonsense)
- Basic typesetting
- Added full romanization
- Commentary audio track (2)
- Chapters
- AAC 320kbps for both audio tracks.
It cost us days of hard work, but it was worth the effort!
Changes comparing to TV batch:
Comments - 48
TsukiNoIsou (uploader)
Don’t ask stupid questions pls.
fuck markdown why can’t i insert an empty line
Nothing wrong with having honorifics, nothing wrong with not having honorifics. You can’t please everyone (unless you do two tracks), so may as well go with whichever you prefer.
TsukiNoIsou (uploader)
@Nala_Alan could you stop being a faggot? Aren’t you bored yet? You don’t like it? Who cares [again]. If you are ok with crap served by CR, then grab their subs and mux it with BDs. Simple. I know that cartelfags are just cancerish and toxic by default, but seriously, this is getting pathetic. This is my last reply to you.
Hey, TsukiNoIsou! I was wondering do you have a website or any other platform to follow you? I kinda fear for the worse for you on here. I appreciate all your work and hope you keep it up as long as possible! Thanks.
Nice. Can’t wait for 720p.
also3: “You don’t like it? Who cares [again].” < these words can apply to you saying cr subs are crap
TsukiNoIsou (uploader)
@Jinnai_Kagami, we have a plans for website, but when? I don’t know yet. If (for any chance/reason) we stop uploading here, you can follow us @ anidex.
Hidoi desu :^(
Thank you very much TsukiNoIsou:) Very Good Job! More please! I have all of your releases.
Honorifics are the essence of japanese language. Don’t like it, stop watching anime. It’s as simple as that.
Not all viewers are english native speakers from US. Most are not. Check how many people are downloading anime with eng dub.
Ignore mentally retarded haters like Nala_Alan. They’re literally like a plague everywhere (especially here).
And yes Nala_Alan, CR subs are a crap.
i am not even from US. i am from Poland (which is in Europe, in case you don’t know)
also >And yes Nala_Alan, CR subs are a crap.
You don’t like them? Who cares.
>Don’t ask stupid questions pls.
Honorifics are used in Japanese and not English last I remember, so it doesn’t make sense as to why you would include them in an English translation. I would just like to know why you chose to add them, that was all. It was not a stupid question, but thanks for the stupid answer.
C’mon guys its just personal preference, lets not get upset over it. Honorifics have been included in fansubs since forever and no one cared much until recently, so lets not start arguments over something that doesn’t actually matter :)
@TsukiNoIsou thank you for you hard work
and why honorifics/traps topics always starting a civil war this days ?
Thanks for the (d)weeb release.
@Kuromii old fansubs were bad :^)
You’re bad ;^)
Actually, old fansubs rarely used them. They became a lot more popular in the past 10 years or so. Then, all those fansubbers went on to work for Crunchyroll, etc., causing the official subs for most anime to now contain them. Seeing as there aren’t many fansubs anymore, that means the majority of anime subs now contain honorifics.
@Kuromi , I thank you for being the calm voice of reason here . nyaa.iss.one is like a supermarket of available animation . Unfortunately some people complain about provision of crunchy peanut butter because THEY only like smooth . Haters are going to hate for anything that is different to what they want . Please don’t get caught up in any bickering if someone is childish enough to throw some mud your way . Personally , if I hear a character say a name with an honorific I prefer the name as said be the subtitle .
You are the worst kind of person. You just consume without creating anything and you criticise needlessly. Stop being a waste of oxygen and do something useful with your life. Nobody is stopping you from making your own version.
Maybe you should’ve clicked on his profile before saying that. You would’ve noticed he’s uploaded plenty of torrents.
Thanks herkz, that’s good to know. Admittedly I tend to watch anime from within the last 10 years more than older series, but when I do watch older stuff I don’t really notice the lack of honorifics I guess.
And guys don’t let Nala_Alan get to you. He’s just being a silly sausage :^)
when i see you your comments i remembered first attack on titan s2 and same drama happened back than with sallysub release
@TsukiNoIsou thanks and keep up without killing yourself with all this hate you received
Trolls be trollin’. I love the de-localization because I love the Japanese language. Plenty of subbers add honorifics, but only Nii-sama seems to be attacked for it. Don’t understand. Thank you for the great work. Much appreciated.
Hopefully this site will add a feature to block all the annoying fucks that come here to argue.
TsukiNoIsou (uploader)
@futagen not like we care about being attacked. It’s very typical for this group of people ;) Just ignore them.
I don’t know of anyone else that adds honorifics which weren’t there in the first place. Some groups just don’t remove them.
Thanks for all your releases TsukiNoIsou, you are a beacon of shining light for all of us weeaboos who like our fansubs to be like they used to be. Just ignore all the haters (looking especially at you Nala_Alan) and continue releasing they way you do. Your hard work is much appreciated.
herkz and Nala_Alan can’t get enough of Brock’s jelly donuts.
>I love the de-localization because I love the Japanese language.
… What?
LOL,this upload’s comments are goooddd
It’s too bad some people just can’t just let others enjoy things the way they want.
It’s a shame. There are plenty of other sub providers that do actually use honorifics and Japanese name order, too. Complaining about it is as if saying the English language is superior. Just watch dubs then if that’s what you prefer.
Also, the CR clown responsible for the hideous localisations should brush up on his/her grammar before trying to whitewash everything.
Obvious example from Episode 25: “Did you used to do that when you sang?”.
@Nala_Anal please kill yourself
Arigatou Uploader-sama!
@swn32 why would i? i’m not the one who defends garbage
@Stultus nice meme
@ddkhbfg yes dubs are cancer. why would you call me a monkey though?
and also uhh, if you say i’m awful judge, you could’ve be right, but then, why do most fansub translators agree with me that weeb subs aren’t any
Like, um, Herkz, and um, Herkz and Herkz or your Polish friends from your grade school sub group? Eventually Diaz, but even he is using honorifics in his FAKKU releases. Garbo is a perfect word to describe your definition of “good” subs, as other people said in different upload.
thx 4 the lolz guys :)
wew lads
LMAO the comment section is lit
Good release unless you despise honorifics & such.