I also can’t understand the hate about Nii-sama.
There are rarely any true fansubbers left putting memes into their sub.
It’s really nice to see someone is still doing the effort delivering a well meme’d release.
Sadly Commie stopped with it. Now we have Nii-sama saving us!
Arigatou gozaimasu very much!!
do you think you can offend everyone because you think you’re better than others and no one will touch you? you’re a pest and will be treated accordingly
Ok, time for some rare, non-shitposting, actual feedback for Nii-sama. This is based entirely on their Umaru releases as I don’t watch Blend S, but I’ll post it here in the hopes they see it:
the biggest issue is the TS timing. The signs are consistently poorly timed and it is extremely noticable when watching. They ALL appear and disappear too early/late, and Umaru has a lot of signs per episode so this is happening continuously and is pretty offputting.
The dialogue’s timing is also not good, but not as bad as the TS timing. There are a lot of scene bleeds.
The font choice, colour and size should be reviewed. While it was common to use wacky fonts and bright colours back in the mid 00s, nowadays people prefer a more “formal” font and darker border colours. Maybe through in some subtle shadow (set alpha to 160-220).
Please do give the script a read-through before release to check for spelling mistakes and missing words!
The script isn’t heavily localised and so honorifics don’t actually look out of place. The people complaining about the honorifics haven’t actually watched your releases and are just commenting because they can and they find it funny.
I doubt that he even cares about it. I complained about the video quality and he just answered with “not worth it for TV”.
So putting effort into typeset and timing is probably not worth for TV versions as well :^)
The script isn’t heavily localised and so honorifics don’t actually look out of place. The people complaining about the honorifics haven’t actually watched your releases and are just commenting because they can and they find it funny.
i don’t really mind honorifics, what i care about is, that they do shit like leaving words in japanese, or "untranslating"puns
Oh man I forgot to mention the video quality. Please consider this point #6, Nii-sama. There are lots of good encoders on nyaa who would probably be happy to help you in that regard. eX has guides and stuff that you can follow too.
I agree Nala_Alan, unless its universally known words like “manga”, then there’s no reason to leave Japanese words in subs.
@Nala Dude, make up your mind. You was whining about honorifics and been making mockery of Nii-sama’s releases and others as well now you willfully write you don’t mind them. This goes on top of admitting not getting any of his releases who knows if that’s changed. Hypocrisy much?
nii-sama is bad for other reasons than honorifics themselves, such as leaving puns in japanese, leaving some words completely untranslated, terrible styling and video, probably timing as well
@Betterdeadthanred I recommend to never to use that term for them. There’s nothing “cartel” about a pack of hyena’s who more than likely have nothing going on then to nitpick the target they don’t agree with while giggling like schoolgirls on some social media then here back-talking while insinuating their ways is the best method which are to try to emulate what funimation does to their subs and dubs and that’s Americanize almost any notion of Japanese culture from anime. And they do it for free… well almost if dumb enough to donate to them.
Comments - 40
Thanks for your work. I really appreciate it. Expect an another parade of imbeciles in comments…
I like more colorful subtitles than the normal ones. thx uploader-sama
Thanks for your effort, nii-sama!
Is it another one of those delocalized releases that people seem to enjoy for some reason?
nice multi accounts you made, TsukiNoIsou
I’m a huge fan of meme subs. Thank you for this!
y’all ain’t bored yet smh
I fixed the category, since it was set to AMV but isn’t an AMV
Nice multiple shitpost you’ve made against rules but somehow you’re still here and shitposting again and again and again Nala_Alan.
I was here.
Wait, what category this release should be? Somewhat-English?
i’m not the one with account made solely to shitpost and insult
I always look forward to these releases, the comments are better than the shows themselves. Thanks!
@ANTI_Nala_Anal: Thanks for providing meme and interesting comment, cheers

I also can’t understand the hate about Nii-sama.
There are rarely any true fansubbers left putting memes into their sub.
It’s really nice to see someone is still doing the effort delivering a well meme’d release.
Sadly Commie stopped with it. Now we have Nii-sama saving us!
Arigatou gozaimasu very much!!
"i’m not the one with account made solely to shitpost and insult"
you’re the ONE with account made SOLELY to shitpost and insult
do you think you can offend everyone because you think you’re better than others and no one will touch you? you’re a pest and will be treated accordingly
I also can’t understand why he wasn’t ban yet
^Because he is telling the truth?
^) because he is “meme” senpai…

Ok, time for some rare, non-shitposting, actual feedback for Nii-sama. This is based entirely on their Umaru releases as I don’t watch Blend S, but I’ll post it here in the hopes they see it:
*Through in -> throw in :v
Sasuga Kuromii
I doubt that he even cares about it. I complained about the video quality and he just answered with “not worth it for TV”.
So putting effort into typeset and timing is probably not worth for TV versions as well :^)
Oh man I forgot to mention the video quality. Please consider this point #6, Nii-sama. There are lots of good encoders on nyaa who would probably be happy to help you in that regard. eX has guides and stuff that you can follow too.
I agree Nala_Alan, unless its universally known words like “manga”, then there’s no reason to leave Japanese words in subs.
would you stop killing the fun plzzz
“I’m so glad you’re doing delocalized releases. Here’s my only criticism: I think you should localize them.”
It’s good to be alive today.
This is some quality shit posting in here.
@Nala Dude, make up your mind. You was whining about honorifics and been making mockery of Nii-sama’s releases and others as well now you willfully write you don’t mind them. This goes on top of admitting not getting any of his releases who knows if that’s changed. Hypocrisy much?
Is that a Jojo reference?
nii-sama is bad for other reasons than honorifics themselves, such as leaving puns in japanese, leaving some words completely untranslated, terrible styling and video, probably timing as well
The cartel hates it.
@Betterdeadthanred I recommend to never to use that term for them. There’s nothing “cartel” about a pack of hyena’s who more than likely have nothing going on then to nitpick the target they don’t agree with while giggling like schoolgirls on some social media then here back-talking while insinuating their ways is the best method which are to try to emulate what funimation does to their subs and dubs and that’s Americanize almost any notion of Japanese culture from anime. And they do it for free… well almost if dumb enough to donate to them.