[Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 04 [720p] :: Nyaa ISS

[Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 04 [720p]

2017-11-03 10:48
File size:
199.5 MiB
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  • [Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 04 [720p][E539793B].mkv (199.5 MiB)

Reasons you should download this release:
Honorifics/no localization (if you prefer your subs like that)
Typeset (it’s not good, but it’s there)

Reasons why you shouldn’t download this release:
Honorifics/no localization (if you don’t prefer your subs like that)
Subtitle timing is pretty bad (lines end a few frames before the keyframes and are blinking too much)
Video quality is pretty bad and worse than HorribleSubs
Three liners
Font styling (however, everyone has a different opinion for this)
No OP/ED (will probably have them in the future when Sentai adds it)

So, is it worth prefering this release over HorribleSubs?
Probably not. HorribleSubs has the same issues with the timing, but you can easily fix it yourself.

Looking at the comments for Nii-sama’s releases, fansubbing does not need CR and other streaming companies to kill it. Nyaa alone is more than up to the task. Anything other than properly localized and official subs are “weeb” cancer. Eventually anime itself will be banned from the site for not being American enough.

Personally, I’m looking forward to fansubs going full 4kids and changing Japanese names and places to American ones :^^^)
No but in all seriousness, these releases do nothing to improve on the official releases. Adding in honorifics and calling it a day isn’t an improvement (this is coming from someone who quite likes them, before anyone yells I’m shitposting or some other nonsense). I’ve tried to give feedback on what needs improvement but I think it fell on deaf ears, and eX’s comment above will also likely be ignored by Nii-sama.

@eXmendiC WOW nice example of a three liner

It definitly is, because there is enough space in the top right corner. Putting it there would avoid this dumb three liner.

Eventually anime itself will be banned from the site for not being American enough.

I, for one, can’t wait.

so, @TsukiNoIsou, eX did actually give you a feedback instead of shitposting, let’s see how will you (and your fans) react to that, as “PLOX USE ACTUAL ARGUMENTS AND NOT SHITPOST” will not work anymore

Every time this is downloaded, Alan’s heart stops beating for five seconds.

i also want to say, that you afaik don’t have TLC on the show, so sentai translation errors probably aren’t fixed, and i heard that the show has some. about editing, i’m ESL too, so i’m in no position to complain about it. and by the way, escaping to releasing on anidex and later here will not let you escape from the comments, as anidex has them too.

He’s probably ignoring all the problems (like always) and is still wondering why he gets all this hate.

@Patch-Sama Those from the preview of the next episode eXmendiC is reaching with that one just to add to his pretending to give genuine criticism while in actuality its to mark it with any negative connotation he/she can get out of it.

@eXmendiC Nii-sama already gave you his/her answer regarding the video and you just can’t accept that I also think it’s retarded to care about a tv broadcast quality. If you don’t even plan on getting the BD to this or any show it’s pointless. Also there’s no blinking issue whatsoever with this episode or any of his/her releases. Get a better vsfilter if that is an issue at your end. I’m using xy-vsfilter

noZA_, there is sub blinking. Not the sort you seem to be imagining where the line blinks on and off during its time on screen, but where lines don’t link together time-wise and you get a few milliseconds gap between the two, causing a blinking effect. I’m shit at explaining but I hope that helps.

Also there’s no blinking issue whatsoever with this episode or any of his/her releases.

Have you ever thought about not talking about things you clearly don’t understand? Or do you enjoy coming off as incredibly ignorant?

"Get a better vsfilter"
Not sure if your whole comment is bait or you really mean it serious.

But if you really mean it serious:

I also think it’s retarded to care about a tv broadcast quality
You don’t have to deliver the perfect result, but what’s the point in having worse quality than a faster ripping group (HorribleSubs)?
You should actually improve official releases and not making something worse.
Also there’s no blinking issue whatsoever
Try using your eyes and take a better look. I’ve added a screen in Aegisub where you can clearly see a short gap. That has nothing to do with the subtitle rendering at all.

@Kuromii You’re talking about scene bleeds which can cause that “blinking” or “flickering” to occur. I understood that by going on what eXmendiC wrote which I having seen Nii-sama’s release are present but it’s not a non-issue even the pros have these minor issue but I don’t see eXmendiC making comments there just here, that is not a coincidence.
@eXmendiC I got better things to do then to waste my time on adolescent minded baiting.
What you consider not up to par quality is obviously your own opinion. Nii-sama already told you where they stand and its up to them if they think your advice is sound or not and also worthy of additional time. What’s an “official” release? On a tracker site nonetheless?
What’s baffling to me is why do you guys not go onto Commie’s page and comment on what they do with their subtitles as you do here? Am I off in stating that there’s possibly brown-nosing going on?

eXmendiC, you are just autistic. Most your ‘cons’ doesn’t matter at all. 3 liner? In preview scene where there is 1 second for whole sentence because of speedtalk? Are you brain damaged? Blinking? 0,01sec doesn’t matter. Timing is bad? Sorry but my eyes are not autistic enough to spot it, especially that most other fansub groups aren’t too different in this case. Video quality? Are you watching your anime with magnifying glass or 5 cm from the screen? I don’t expect BD quality when I decide to watch seasonal series. It’s obvious. I even prefer TV rips.

Because there is nothing wrong with Commie’s subs. Compared to Nii-sama they have decent timing and a better encode.
7/10. Good comment, but the trolling is a bit too obvious.

I wasn’t talking about scene bleeding and neither was eX. If we meant scene bleeding, we would have said scene bleeding.

@eXmendiC I wrote nothing about their timing nor encode. It was specifically their subtitles. The issue for you guys has been Nii-sama’s choice on what they do with their script. If you want put down your assessment on Commie’s script as you did with Nii-sama above and we’ll see if you ain’t bias and full of it. You are also using Sentai subs for one of your releases which in one of the shows they are subbing they did exactly what Nii-sama does (pun-wise) if you watched Boku no Kanojo with the recent 4th episode so it may be present in Shoujo as well. If that isn’t an issue with you then that’s fine there would be no other reason to comment here then to help post script typos, mistakes in the script or (which I doubt) to give a thanks.
@Kuromii That’s what it is called. If you are talking about something completely different with some new term I don’t know then I have no clue what you are saying then but based on what eX put that’s what I see.

@Hanbanga > Video quality? Are you watching your anime with magnifying glass or 5 cm from the screen? I don’t expect BD quality when I decide to watch seasonal series.
I’m 100% with you there. I wonder if they do plant their face up to the screen to watch these tv broadcast shows. The only issue I would agree with are banding issues but I expect them on tv broadcast.

holy fuck nOZA_ has always been retarded